In between deciding to become a nurse and actually working as a nurse is earning your degree. Like any other type of commitment, going to nursing school requires that you give your options some serious thought. Depending on the area that you live in, there could be a dozen different schools for you to choose from. But how do even begin to narrow it down?

There are so many factors to consider when choosing a nursing school.  Among which are a few essential elements, namely; location, convenience and funding.


Basing your decision on where you study can be pretty tricky. For one, you may want to consider a school that is close to where you live because of the convenience. But you may also want to give some serious thought to the idea of applying to a school that is located in the city that you want to work in. Knowing where you want to work or live in four or five years is difficult, as are any considerations of the future. But if you have an idea of where you would like to live, then do your best to study there, mainly because it is during your time as a nursing student that you will be exposed to people in the healthcare industry. It is always good to start your career with an already establish network of professionals, and working in the same city that you studied in makes that all the more easier. .

Online classes

Whether you have your eye on an out-of-province school, or if you are planning to juggle school and work schedules, online classes are definitely something you want to look out for. The convenience and effectiveness of distance learning really adds to the entire nursing school experience. If you require a flexible schedule and mobility, then schools with online courses will likely be a better match for you.


If you anticipate taking out a loan to help pay for your studies, you may want to first look into schools who offer partially subsidised financial aid or scholarships. Most institutions will offer general financial support insofar as students studying in any program can apply for it. Other institutions will also offer program-specific bursaries, loans and scholarships, most notably for nursing programs.

Financial support programs differ from school to school, so take the time to look into all of the opportunities offered by each of them.

Of course, these three qualities are only some of those that need to be considered when deciding which nursing school to apply to. You also want to look into the nursing specializations that they offer, the faculty, and the graduation rate. Ultimately, what it all comes down to is how comfortable you are with the school.  Go and walk around the campus, visit the department office, and just get a real feel for how the nursing school functions as a whole.

Visit Mohawk College for more information on how to enroll in a school of nursing.

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