We all tend to separate the business world from the creativeworld, as though they exist completely apart from each other. In regards tochoosing a career, we are sometimes led to believe that we can only choose one or the other. But the realms of business and art are much closer to each other than one might think, and more often than not they overlap and function within a unified industry. 

If you are the savvy business type with a creative flare, you will be relieved to know that are plenty of career programs that will encourage you to put both of these qualities to use. Here are just a few examples of industries that balance business and creative skills: 

People with careers in advertising know that the advertisingworld doesn’t strictly consist of
billboards and catchy slogans. Successfuladvertising relies on the constant exchange of ideas, strategy, and numbers. To give you a better sense of how a degree in advertising really gears towards reaching this
sort of balance, take a look at just some of the skills that graduates acquire while earning a degree in Advertising:

        - Strategic Planning    
        - Art Direction
        - Copywriting        
        - Layout Design & Typography              
        - Interactive Creative & Web Development
        - Broadcast 
        - Planning & Analytics
        - Print Planning & Buying
        - Quantitative Media Research
        - Advertising Law        
        - Creative Brainstorming


Marketing careers are ones that really survive on an equal balance of business and art, or in other words, on strategy and creativity. From merchandising to macroeconomics, and accounting to advertising, Marketing programs really zone in on a wide range of specialities in order to best prepare you for an incredibly versatile profession. Marketing students can expect to sharpen their skills in the following areas: 

        - Accounting
        - Macroeconomics
        - Business 
        - Math of Finance   
        - Retail Merchandising    
        - Consumer Behaviour
        - Web Marketing       
        - Integrated Marketing Communications      
        - Intro to Advertising 
        - Direct Marketing & Sales Promotion
        - Personal Finance Management      
        - Business Law         

Public Relations 

Public Relations is an industry that is based on impeccable communication. The art of communication is very much rooted in the ability to adopt a variety of different approaches in order to appeal to a variety of audiences. With this skill comes business-savvy tactics, such as planning and executing media and promotional programs, as well as writing to orchestrating campaigns and events. Public Relations students can expect to develop skills in:

        - Writing 
        - Print Design & Application
        - Media Relations
        - Program Planning
        - Organizational Application
        - CommunicationsTechnologies
        - Portfolio & Career Development
        - Crisis Communications 
        - Campaign Presentation         
        - Special Events Planning & Management

Unlike the city of Atlantis, business programs that integrate creativity are not so hard to find.  Each of these programs offer a long list of business courses that may, at first glance, seem like they belong in the Arts department. 

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